Sunday, July 14, 2019

I've returned to the light

After three long years, I'm back in the VW game. Three years ago I sold Felix after discovering some cancerous rust in the heater channels (they were completely rusted through covered by paint and Bondo) I was at a point where I needed a newer more reliable car as a daily driver. It's no fun making grown-up decisions.

Fast forward three years and I'd really been bitten by the Bug again. After months and months of searching I found Carl. Carl is the newest member of my family!

He's a 1975 standard beetle with everything I had hoped for on my next bug. Strong 1600cc engine nicely upholstered interior, original color on the exterior, original paint on the interior. The paint job is older, so no hidden rust issues like before.

It didn't take long to get my hands dirty again. After a small tune-up he is running great. I'm excited for the future projects I'll get to work on with carl. He is by far in the best condition of any Beetle I've had up to his point. But I still have some plans for him.

I'll keep updating my blog here with all the little things I do to him as I continue to keep him running and in tip top shape!

Thanks for reading, Please subscribe to keep getting updates on work I'm doing and helpful hints and tips on working on your own Classic Veedub!